Candles are beautiful but they can be expensive. However, you have a lot of options if you have a dollar store near you. Everything on this page was purchased at the Dollar Tree.
Take a look at a few of the things I came up with.
Glass Container, Gems, Candles – $5
3 Glass Containers, 3 Packs of Gems and 3 Candles – $8
Glass Container, River Rocks, Shells and Candles – $4
Glass Container, River Rocks, Shells, and Candles – $5
Glass Container, 2 Packs of Gems and a Candle – $4
Glass Container, River Rocks, Shells and a Candle – $4
2 Containers, 2 Packs of Gems and Candles – $6
Here are some links to the materials used.
For $10 or less you can have enough material to make several different types of candle displays. Just mix and match, have some fun!