DIY Budget Floating Candles

DIY floating candle made for less than $5 from Dollar Tree supplies. #diy #homedecor #floatingcandle #candle

Candles are beautiful but they can be expensive. However, you have a lot of options if you have a dollar store near you. Everything on this page was purchased at the Dollar Tree.

Take a look at a few of the things I came up with.

Glass Container, Gems, Candles – $5

DIY floating candle made for less than $4 from Dollar Tree supplies. #diy #homedecor #floatingcandle #candle

3 Glass Containers, 3 Packs of Gems and 3 Candles – $8

DIY floating candle centerpiece made for less than $8 from Dollar Tree supplies. #diy #homedecor #floatingcandle #candle

Glass Container, River Rocks, Shells and Candles – $4

DIY floating heart candle made for less than $4 from Dollar Tree supplies. #diy #homedecor #floatingcandle #candle

Glass Container, River Rocks, Shells, and Candles – $5

DIY floating candle made for less than $5 from Dollar Tree supplies. #diy #homedecor #floatingcandle #candle

Glass Container, 2 Packs of Gems and a Candle – $4

DIY floating candle made for less than $4 from Dollar Tree supplies. #diy #homedecor #floatingcandle #candle

Glass Container, River Rocks, Shells and a Candle – $4

DIY floating candle made for less than $4 from Dollar Tree supplies. #diy #homedecor #floatingcandle #candle

2 Containers, 2 Packs of Gems and Candles – $6

DIY floating candles made for $5 from Dollar Tree supplies. #diy #homedecor #floatingcandle #candle

Here are some links to the materials used.

Dollar Tree Glass Containers

Dollar Tree Colored Gems

Dollar Tree Candles

For $10 or less you can have enough material to make several different types of candle displays. Just mix and match, have some fun!

DIY floating candle made for less than $4 from Dollar Tree supplies. #diy #homedecor #floatingcandle #candle

Carl Adamson

Hi, I'm Carl Adamson, one of the founders here at Candleers. A few years ago I got really into the art and craft of candle making, initially with soy wax container candles. My friends started asking me to make candles for them and pretty soon it turned into a nice side-business. I started this website as a way to document what I've learned over the past few years and hopefully help others in the process. I still love candle making but I'm learning that what I enjoy even more is the business side of things - and for this reason I've started consulting others on how to start and grow their own candle-making businesses and side-hustles.

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