Coconut wax vs soy wax is one of the big matchups you see on the candle making subreddit and on candle making forums. They each have their own unique benefits, however, they also come with drawbacks. Ultimately when choosing which one is better and which one you want to work with, the answer is probably somewhere in between.
Coconut Wax vs Soy Wax Affordability
Is coconut wax more expensive than soy wax? Coconut wax is more expensive than soy wax. In addition, the only coconut wax that you can find that is within the same price range as soy wax is coconut wax that is blended with soy wax. If you are buying pure coconut wax you could pay double the price of pure soy wax.
Price is an important factor to a lot of candle makers, whether you are talking about someone making candles at home for a hobby or someone making candles to sell.
Paying double for your candle wax can mean the difference between being price competitive for n all-natural product or making enough candles to share with your friends and family.
Coconut Wax vs Soy Wax Scent Throw
Which has a better scent throw? Coconut wax has a better scent throw than soy wax. One of the biggest drawbacks of soy wax candles is that it is known for having a less than spectacular scent throw. In addition, coconut wax is known for having a fantastic scent throw.
One factor that attracts buyers to candles is their scents. Typically, one would prefer a candle which scent lingers longer in the air. Who would not want to smell fragrance after all? However, not all candles can throw sent that long.
Comparing candles made of coconut wax and those made of soy wax will make you realize that coconut wax is a better choice in terms of scent throw.
The coconut wax has a great scent, whether from fragrance oils or essential oils mixed onto them. According to studies, coconut wax holds up to 12% of the fragrance poured onto them.
As with the soy wax, scent throw is shorter because the wax’s molecules are denser, making it longer to release the scent in the air.
If you are thinking of making your candles, be reminded that it is not how much fragrance oil you put to the wax that will contribute to its scent throw.
Instead, it is the type of wax that you’ll use. Thus, between these two options – go for coconut wax if you’re after for a candle that has a longer scent throw.
Cold Scent Throw
Tickle your olfactory nerves to great scents whenever you open glass or a can of candle. Whether it’s a soy wax candle or coconut wax candle, the smell of an unlit one will already tell your nose which is a good scent.
It is what you call a cold throw. It will be the selling point of a candle when they are on display racks or shelves in stores.
Yet, according to candle specialists or those who spent years in the candle-making industry, the coconut wax gives a better cold throw.
Under room temperature, and when the coconut wax candle is not yet lit, it can tease the nose to whatever scent is infused in it.
A soy wax candle also gives a relatively good cold throw after removing the lid. However, it may not be as intense or as conducive to the nose.
Hot Scent Throw
The aroma of candles, when burned and lit across a room, is very conducive for relaxation.
It brings calming signals to the muscles through the fragrance emanating from the wax the nose feasts on. Interestingly, soy wax candles and coconut wax candles have varying degrees of hot throw. Usually, this becomes the return factor of customers.
Soy wax has a good hot throw. It is because you can smell the fragrance well while the candle is burning. Yet, for this to happen or a soy candle to throw well, it will need more punch in terms of the fragrance oil or essential oil used.
It will also take a few minutes after lighting the soy candle before fragrance is released because it is denser and thus requires more heat. Be careful, though, because attaining the right blend is quite tricky because soy wax is heavy.
Compared to a soy candle, a coconut wax candle is justifiably better when it comes to the hot throw. Considered one of the light waxes, coconut wax is relatively easier to infuse with scents. It will also take less time after lighting it before fragrance is released.
Coconut Wax vs Soy Wax Candle Soot
Are soy wax and coconut wax candles clean? Coconut and soy wax candles are both known for burning rather clean. They are both natural forms of wax that are derived from plant products. They are manufactured from all-natural oil that is then hydrogenated to create candle wax.
If you’re talking about how they are prepared and processed, the answer lies in how the maker observed cleanliness in the work area-but talking about the smoke that comes out of them when they are lit.
It is clean burning because it produces no chemicals whole being lit. It is the opposite of soy wax because black smoke comes out from it while burning.
Coconut Wax vs Soy Wax Burn Time
Do soy wax or coconut wax candles last longer? Coconut wax and soy wax are both known to be slow-burning waxes. However, coconut wax burns slightly slower than soy wax. This means that your coconut wax candles should last just a little bit longer than nearly every other type of candle.
The burn time of candles has a lot of underlying factors to consider. The length of the wick, the size of the candle, and the wax used are all contributors. For example, for soy and coconut wax candles, soy wax burns faster. But for both types, it is recommended to spend at least 30-45 minutes of burning time each day to achieve good results and maximize the candle’s life span.
Coconut Wax vs Soy Wax Quality
Comparative Candle Quality
In consideration of the scent throw, cold throw, hot throw, burning cleanliness, and burn time – coconut wax candles can be the better candle.
Although aesthetics in terms of packaging and the design of the candle are factors, they are of lesser importance in terms of the candle quality itself.
Many candle buyers would also come after the solid built of the candle. According to most buyers, this is foolproof evidence of the firm built of candles which can contribute to longer burning times. In this aspect, soy candles can reclaim the spot.
Coconut Wax vs Soy Wax Sustainability
It is often less talked about candles. Exceptionally few consumers would be interested in knowing the sustainability of the candles they are purchasing. Yet, for makers and manufacturers of these candles, this is something that must not be taken for granted.
Sustainability speaks more than just the resource of the waxes used for candle-making. It also speaks on the impacts they have on the environment.
For example, the coconut plantations from which the coco wax is obtained contribute less to the harmful chemicals released in the atmosphere because of lesser pesticides required.
Aside from this, less land area is also damaged, allowing the plantations to recuperate enough and replenish natural nutrients.
Coconut vs Soy Wax Melting Point
Does coconut wax have a lower melting point than soy wax? Coconut does have a lower melting point than soy wax. Coconut wax melting point can be as much as 20 F below that of soy wax if it is unblended and does not contain any additives.
The low melting point of coconut wax makes it nearly impossible to use when you are shipping candles in the summer. You won’t be able to sell pure coconut wax candles in the majority of the United States during the summer months.
The only option you have is to blend coconut wax with another type of wax to raise the melting point.
Mixing Coconut Wax And Soy Wax
Candle-makers never cease to experiment with raw materials to arrive at better-quality products. Some have tried on mixing coconut wax with soy wax for increased melt point.
Coconut wax tends to be very soft, particularly during summer months when intense heat can cause them to melt away even if they are in containers.
It is given that both soy wax and coconut wax are soft to touch. One way to make harder soy or coconut wax candle or a mixture of both is to add small amounts of vybar or steric acid.
For most candle makers it will come down to a blend between coconut wax and palm wax or soy wax. You can combine them to give your candles a better burn profile and make them more stable for shipping.
Frequently Asked Questions
Coconut candles are slightly better than soy candles in terms of their smooth finish, less soot, and better burn profile. However, coconut wax candles are far more expensive than soy wax candles.
Coconut wax is twice as expensive as soy wax. Any coconut wax you may see that is compatible in price is likely just coconut wax blended with soy wax or blended with paraffin wax. So be careful when purchasing supplies.
You can use 100% coconut wax for candles, however, these candles will not be ideal for shipping during the summer months. In addition, 100% coconut wax candles will b quite expensive.
In conclusion, coconut wax and soy wax are both great types of wax. While coconut wax does slightly outperform soy wax in some categories it can cost twice as much.
The best option is to blend coconut wax in with your soy wax. This will give your soy candles a better finish and make them look much more smooth. In addition, it will help improve scent throw, reduce soot, and depending on the percentage of the blend it won’t raise prices too much.