Celebrity Novelty Candles

Celebrity Novelty Candles

Celebrity novelty candles with original designs and thick glass, these candles are a great gift for a friend that will get a kick out of having their favorite celebrity around.

Keanu Reeves

Keanu Reeves celebrity novelty candle. Celebrity prayer candles are a great gift for family or friends that can't get enough of their favorite celebrity. #keanureeves #novelty #candles #gift

Click here to see the Keanu Reeves candle.

Brad Pitt

Brad Pitt celebrity novelty candle. Celebrity prayer candles are a great gift for family or friends that can't get enough of their favorite celebrity. #bradpitt #novelty #candles #gift

Click here to see the Brad Pitt candle.

Chris Pratt

Chris Pratt celebrity novelty candle. Celebrity prayer candles are a great gift for family or friends that can't get enough of their favorite celebrity. #chrispratt #novelty #candles #gift

Click here to see the Chris Pratt candle.

Johnny Depp

Johnny Depp celebrity novelty candle. Celebrity prayer candles are a great gift for family or friends that can't get enough of their favorite celebrity. #johnyydepp #novelty #candles #gift

Click here to see the Johnny Depp candle.

Leonardo Dicaprio

Leonardo DiCaprio celebrity novelty candle. Celebrity prayer candles are a great gift for family or friends that can't get enough of their favorite celebrity. #leonardodicaprio #novelty #candles #gift

Click here to see the Leonardo DiCaprio candle.

Bill Murray

Bill Murray celebrity novelty candle. Celebrity prayer candles are a great gift for family or friends that can't get enough of their favorite celebrity. #billmurray #novelty #candles #gift

Click here to see the Bill Murray candle.

Nicholas Cage

Nicholas Cage celebrity novelty candle. Celebrity prayer candles are a great gift for family or friends that can't get enough of their favorite celebrity. #nicholascage #novelty #candles #gift

Click here to see the Nicholas Cage candle.

Kevin Bacon

Kevin Bacon celebrity novelty candle. Celebrity prayer candles are a great gift for family or friends that can't get enough of their favorite celebrity. #kevinbacon #novelty #candles #gift

Click here to see the Kevin Bacon candle.

Will Ferrell

Will Ferrell celebrity novelty candle. Celebrity prayer candles are a great gift for family or friends that can't get enough of their favorite celebrity. #willferrell #novelty #candles #gift

Click here to see the Will Ferrell candle.

Betty White

Betty White celebrity novelty candle. Celebrity prayer candles are a great gift for family or friends that can't get enough of their favorite celebrity. #bettywhite #novelty #candles #gift

Click here to see the Betty White candle.


Beyonce celebrity novelty candle. Celebrity prayer candles are a great gift for family or friends that can't get enough of their favorite celebrity. #beyonce #novelty #candles #gift

Click here to see the Beyoncé candle.

Kim Kardashian

Kim Kardashian celebrity novelty candle. Celebrity prayer candles are a great gift for family or friends that can't get enough of their favorite celebrity. #kimkardashian #novelty #candles #gift

Click here to see the Kim Kardashian candle.

Kanye West

Kanye West celebrity novelty candle. Celebrity prayer candles are a great gift for family or friends that can't get enough of their favorite celebrity. #kanyewest #novelty #candles #gift

Click here to see the Kanye West candle.

Snoop Dogg

Snoop Dogg celebrity novelty candle. Celebrity prayer candles are a great gift for family or friends that can't get enough of their favorite celebrity. #snoopdogg #novelty #candles #gift

Click here to see the Snoop Dogg candle.

Britney Spears

Britney Spears celebrity novelty candle. Celebrity prayer candles are a great gift for family or friends that can't get enough of their favorite celebrity. #britneyspears #novelty #candles #gift
Britney Spears

Click here to see the Britney Spears candle.

Michelle Obama

Michelle Obama celebrity novelty candle. Celebrity prayer candles are a great gift for family or friends that can't get enough of their favorite celebrity. #michelleobama #novelty #candles #gift

Click here to see the Michelle Obama candle.

Barack Obama

Barack Obama celebrity novelty candle. Celebrity prayer candles are a great gift for family or friends that can't get enough of their favorite celebrity. #barackobama #novelty #candles #gift

Click here to see Barack Obama candle.

Donald Trump

Donald Trump celebrity novelty candle. Celebrity prayer candles are a great gift for family or friends that can't get enough of their favorite celebrity. #donaldtrump #novelty #candles #gift

Click here to see the Donald Trump candle.

Joe Exotic

Joe Exotic, Tiger King celebrity novelty candle. Celebrity prayer candles are a great gift for family or friends that can't get enough of their favorite celebrity. #joeexotic #tigerking #novelty #candles #gift

Click here to see the Joe Exotic candle.

Lisa Vanderpump

Lisa Vanderpump celebrity novelty candle. Celebrity prayer candles are a great gift for family or friends that can't get enough of their favorite celebrity. #lisavanderpump #novelty #candles #gift

Click here to see the Lisa Vanderpump candle.

Tom Hanks

Tom Hanks celebrity novelty candle. Celebrity prayer candles are a great gift for family or friends that can't get enough of their favorite celebrity. #tomhanks #novelty #candles #gift

Click here to see the Tom Hanks candle.

Morgan Freeman

Morgan Freeman celebrity novelty candle. Celebrity prayer candles are a great gift for family or friends that can't get enough of their favorite celebrity. #morganfreeman #novelty #candles #gift

Click here to see the Morgan Freeman candle.

Elon Musk

Elon Musk celebrity novelty candle. Celebrity prayer candles are a great gift for family or friends that can't get enough of their favorite celebrity. #ElonMusk #novelty #candles #gift

Click here to see the Elon Musk candle.

Ryan Reynolds

Ryan Reynolds celebrity novelty candle. Celebrity prayer candles are a great gift for family or friends that can't get enough of their favorite celebrity. #ryanreynolds #novelty #candles #gift

Click here to see the Ryan Reynolds candle.

Carl Adamson

Hi, I'm Carl Adamson, one of the founders here at Candleers. A few years ago I got really into the art and craft of candle making, initially with soy wax container candles. My friends started asking me to make candles for them and pretty soon it turned into a nice side-business. I started this website as a way to document what I've learned over the past few years and hopefully help others in the process. I still love candle making but I'm learning that what I enjoy even more is the business side of things - and for this reason I've started consulting others on how to start and grow their own candle-making businesses and side-hustles.

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